Wednesday, September 12, 2007


* Despite a good speech and campaigning effort, Annie lost her bid for ms student council president to Eric. She wished him well and then decided later that this was probably for the best as she has a lot on her plate right now anyway. And her loving mother signed her up for more guitar lessons, too!!
* We are in the second day of Spiritual Emphasis Week (click link to see pictures) with speakers Joe and Catie from Orlando, Florida. The kids are enjoying the twice-a-day chapels, loud music and good, thought provoking messages about following Christ wholeheartedly. Joe's only fault so far is that he didn't know who Ronaldo was - bad move in this part of the world where 'football' (ie soccer) reigns supreme. Today he was given a poster of Ronaldo so he would remember.
* Check out the pictures of the Roman colosseum that Bill and Tim built for the chapel. Bill came up with the design and cut all the styrofoam pieces. Tim built the frame, which you cannot see, and hung all the black fabric. Bill did two all nighters in a row, Tim did one. I went down in the wee hours of Tuesday morning to cheer them on. It all needed to be finished and cleaned up by 8:30 am Tuesday morning - Tim came in the door and collapsed on the bed at 7:30 am!! That's cutting it a bit close..... Everyone agrees that this incredible artwork creates a worshipful atmosphere and sets the tone for the chapel times.

* Geckos are fun and fascinating little creatures. The kids love to flick them off the screens. I like them because they eat ants and mosquitoes. One gecko lives on the back of my ironing board so I always to have to bang the board before setting it up, otherwise he falls on the floor and scurries past my feet.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Wow! That looks incredible! I'm proud of you, Tim! It's so good of you to warn the gecko, Shauna!