The school photos were taken a few weeks back. The ID cards are in but the photos aren't here yet. When they come, we'll send them off to family and friends.
Wow!! you look that color on both of Granny
Annie and Kaleb, you have matured so much since the middle of June! Annie, you are SO GROWN UP. My heart did a sommersault because it seems like yesterday you were still a tweenie. WOW! Love, Cindy
I'm living a dream on the beach in SE Asia with my best friend, a guy named Tim who I've been married to for 22 years, and our two awesome teenagers. We are dorm parents to 9 other students, better known as Third Culture Kids, who hail from America, Canada, Cambodia, Thailand, England and Australia. We love it here - the sticky humidity, barking geckos, fresh fruit, naan bread, amazing people and breathtaking scenery.
Wow!! you look that color on both of Granny
Very nice pictures, Annie & Kaleb! I'm proud to be your Grandma!
You guys look great!!!
Miss you guys!
Your kids look so grown up!
Nice pictures, guys!
Annie and Kaleb, you have matured so much since the middle of June! Annie, you are SO GROWN UP. My heart did a sommersault because it seems like yesterday you were still a tweenie. WOW! Love, Cindy
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