Saturday, September 27, 2008


Spiritual Emphasis Week has come and gone already. It was an amazing week of watching the Lord do incredible things among us. Over 20 kids committed their lives to Christ, finding freedom and joy that they had not known before. Many others spent time praying for their friends, others were encouragers coming alongside those who were struggling with different issues. We bless and thank Pastor Frank from Florida who spoke God's truth simply and clearly, with tremendous power. After six chapel sessions together with around 200 people, it was hard to have it finish. But mountaintop experiences like this do come to an end and so now we are back in regular routine of life, living out what we learned and loving the Lord more deeply for his faithfulness to us.

Kaleb asked for Pastor Frank to spend some time with the dorm seniors one night and so we volunteered to chaperone and bring goodies. It was a lot of fun - with the 14 kids present, they were able to write 'Dalat International School' in nine languages! Pastor Frank thought that was truly awesome :)
I'll close with the words to one of the SEW songs that students and staff are still singing across campus...
How can I stop from singing Your praise?
How can I ever say enough?
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name?
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing


Tarasview said...

I gave you an award today-

Carla said...

I love that Christ Tomlin song! I put that whole cd on repeat and sing it in my kitchen :) Sounds like you had an amazing week!