Friday, July 18, 2008

Poppin' my buttons!

Kaleb received his driver's license yesterday!! On the very first try too, after we had cautioned him that it is difficult, especially for boys, to get their license first time around. Thankfully he had a driving lesson the day before with a friend who teaches driver training - it was invaluable and definitely helped him to score so high on his road test. Kaleb told me last night that he decided to put aside his nervousness and think confidently when he was heading into the exam after he and his dad stopped to pray. I told him that the whole coffee crew at Arlington were praying for him as well and he certainly felt it! Now he is off today to visit friends in Lumsden all by himself in the mighty Delilah :)

There is a problem however - SGI flagged all three of us as 'non-residents' and won't renew our licenses next year....apparently paying Saskatchewan tax doesn't qualify us. So please pray that we can find a loophole so that we can continue to have valid licenses for our overseas experience.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Kaleb!! We are very proud of you. Long drive for your first trip. We didn't let Andrew and Matthew leave Mt Prospect alone for the first year they had their license.

Kate said...

Congrats...Kaleb...was your examiner named Rick??? My girlfriend Alexis husband is an examiner so just wondering....and ya Shauna I was afraid that might happen...not sure what is up with those new rules. Gary Davis who is part of that crew was in my office a while ago and told me to make sure you knew about it. I don't really know that much. Anyway you can fill me in tomorrow will probably be after supper before I get there...looking forward to seeing you all and having a great visit.

Anita said...

Way to go, Kaleb! I knew you could do it! Now, please, be a good driver! I know you will be. I'm very proud of you!