Monday, January 28, 2008

Morning excitement

In a phone conversation the other day, my Mom was reminding me about how afraid of mice I was when I was very little. I told her I had come a long way - living in a place with snakes, lizards, rats and more. None of these things, for the most part, scare me least not if I see them first!
And since we haven't had any good critter scares lately I'm not really on the alert. That is, until this morning.....

Tim was in the kitchen putting out the morning market breakfast on plates. I was at the computer when, all of a sudden, I saw Tim rushing out the front door. I figured he had forgotten something at the market and had to rush back. So I went into the kitchen to have a look at what he could have possibly missed when he returned with our MS science teacher. Tim told me I had better leave the room! When I asked why, he said we had a snake under the fridge. To be honest, I didn't want to miss the action so I stayed. Ben, the science teacher, took the tail that was sticking out and slowly pulled. Out come a thin, foot long, brown snake, apparently non-poisonous. Ben said these snakes are all over and that he has had a few in his house. Tim told him it was the first we had ever had here in the dorm but Ben replied it was just the first we have ever seen as they like to hide in small spaces! Now we are all on hyper alert, checking corners and looking around for more small, slithery things.


Kate said...

WOW!! that is it....that is are a brave girl!! Did I ever tell you we swam with the snakes in the river at the farm when we were young! in the house well...

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness that was after we left. I would have been a paranoid fool if that had happened while we were there.

Anonymous said...

I was horrified when I read your story of the snake. The Lord sure protected me while we were there. It never once entered my mind.

Anita said...

You've got a little over a year to get rid of them all before we come in 2009!!!