Saturday, June 02, 2007

Shock therapy

This time next week, Kaleb and Annie will be somewhere over the Pacific Ocean flying back to Canada....without us.......for 23 days.......through big airports........without Tim Horton's for iced caps and REAL donuts........ without cooler temps where they can wear jeans........without us........halfway around the world........for 23 days. Did I mention they were going back without us, my babies??

Excuse me while I plug my ears, hum a tune and go to my happy place to recover from these thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ANd did I meantion that you will do what you always do - Pray - and will trust who you always trust - God who protects those who love Him. It is funny that you take them to a crazy tropical world to live and no worries but send them back to Canada (I know it is more that they will not be with you) and YIKES! :) We'll be praying on your side and on the side of the God of Abraham (he was good to Abraham's son too!) Love you.