Saturday, June 16, 2007

Saturday news

I'm so very tired of painting and I've only been doing it for three days. Tim is into his fifth day putting in long hours painting. Of course, he actually likes it and is doing a good job at it. Me - no way! Its monotonous, does not include talking much and there's no other people in the same room as me. What does that spell for a sanguine??? Boring with a capital B. And the paint drips and splatters and plops where you don't want it to go. Oh the agony!! The purple raspberry in the kitchen was a definite and absolute 'no' yesterday but today, I quite like it. I really wanted it to be more of a chocolate purple, if that makes sense. The white above certainly helps to sell the color so it may stay, depending on how I feel tomorrow.

We've had rain here for several days. Long, hard rains which is unusual but it has kept things cooler. And caused lots of damage over at Jaffray where they are repairing the roof but didn't tarp it correctly. What a mess - and the smell, too. UGH!

On a more positive note, I got new glasses yesterday. I love glasses - this is my sixth pair in 9 years. I've kept three other pairs - one pair might become sunglasses, one is for sports, the red pair are purely for fun and now I've got these great professional looking frames that make me look intelligent. Actually, they are frameless, very light and made of titanium, which really sounds good but probably won't stop them from breaking if I sit on them.

News from Canada is that Annie is cold in Calgary but thoroughly enjoying herself and being spoiled by our friends. Kaleb is practicing his driving skills and downloading stuff onto Nana's computer. Annie leaves on Saturday for Regina - flying by herself - and will crash in Avonlea for a few days.

Happy Saturday to all those waking up on the other side of the world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know how the kids are doing. I have been wondering. Just a couple more weeks and it is your turn!!

Happy Father's Day Tim!