Thursday, December 18, 2008

Colossal mess

The dorm is in one big mess as kids pack, clean and throw away. Three have already left for their flights - two more leave later today and the last four at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning. Then we'll sleep a bunch and enjoy the staff Christmas party tomorrow evening.

For those that don't know, we are heading to Indonesia for 11 days over Christmas and New Year's. Our original plan was to go to Bali but with this being peak season, that didn't sound like the best place for quietness and rejuvenation. So since we are flying into Jakarta, we decided to stay there at the guest house for two days/three nights before heading to Bandung to be with friends. They have graciously given of their time to find us vacant missionary homes to stay in so we aren't stuck in a hotel. We are hoping to do some hiking in the area as there are volcanoes nearby and will no doubt enjoy the cooler weather up in the mountains. We are looking forward to it!

Here's some pics from our last days together:

The fifth grade classes, including our Sabrina, put on a musical at a homeless shelter in Georgetown and then were gracious enough to do it all over again for parents and students here at Dalat. The first picture shows the children holding 'angklungs' - an Indonesian instrument with hollowed out reeds. They played three Christmas carols in two part harmony and it sounded very lovely!

One of Kaleb's best friends, Joel, arrived back from university in Australia. He brought with him some new board games and the boys spent several hours yesterday figuring this one out. Kaleb dominated and won the first round.


Janet said...

Hey Shauna --

Janet Phillips here (former Chandler and Ziemer dorm mom). We live right outside Bandung so if you need any advice, information, or someone to hang out with please let us know. I would definitely recommend the Taman Safari Park about two and half hours from Bandung -- zebras, elephants, etc eat right from your car! You can also hold baby orangutanes and baby tigers, etc. Great place and not very expensive.

Anita said...

We wish for you a very restful, relaxing, safe, fun filled vacation.

Shauna Archer said...

Thanks, Janet for the info on the safari park. Others here have told us about it. We are staying with friends in Bandung and will try to look you up when we come...we can swap Chandler stories!

Anonymous said...

Sound like a lovely way to spend the holidays! I am sure you will have a wonderful, relaxing time. Wish we could join you. Did you get the calendar yet?