Wednesday, June 06, 2007


* At 11 p.m. last night, we decided to throw everyone in the van, even those in their pajamas, for a late night run to Subway. Only 8 buns were left so we ordered them all and had a good fill before heading to bed.
* Thanks to an invitation from Becky, I joined Facebook and have 13 friends!! I still don't understand all of the capabilities of the program or how to reply to my friends, but I'll catch on when I have more time to play around.
* Eric, Kirsten, Marigan, Naomi and Monay won awards this morning for various academic classes and service oriented programs. Of special mention is Monay who won the overall Fine Arts award and Naomi who won the Chandler Dorm servant award. Congrats to them!!
* The Seniors 'willed' different items, titles and even pets to others. Eric willed to Kaleb a plaid shirt with the instructions to wear plaid around campus like he had done in the past. Annie and a bunch of other MS girls were willed the continued practice of yelling 'Hello' by one of their senior mentors. David willed his position of the biggest guy on campus to a junior. Three years ago, Josh M was willed a bag of crazy hats which he then in turn willed today to a first grader known for wearing a cowboy hat.
* Tim takes airport runs tonight at 10:35 pm for our Korean kids and tomorrow with two different groups going to Cambodia at 5:30 am and 10 am. He'll catch bits of sleep in between as we help kids pack, clean rooms and check out.

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